Sunday, October 28, 2012


 so for these first 3, I noticed that the flow is like how a brush works: how fluid the stroke comes off of the pen/brush. Opacity helped with the overlay of colors and helped bring out a smoother composition. the blue one was the fist attempt and just came out bad.

 These next 3 were just testing out something I noticed in class. What if the opacity and flow added up together to make 100%? Would it make a better painting or is it going to be the same? I did not follow this rule for the grey scale because i was still testing out the opacity and flow of the brush. I did notice that if opacity was really low, I would have to work a lot harder than i should, so from now on, I am probably going to use like 50% and higher along with flow. Time to move onto my next projects

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Animal wildlife drawings

 Some of my animal wildlife drawings to show the things I have been working on